Free Competitor Analysis

What is Competitor Analysis

Let’s go with the basics of the definition of competitor analysis. It is the process of analyzing and researching the marketing strategies and operating the companies business characteristics in a given market.

Competitor analysis is used to identify the weakness and strengths of our other market players. Need to define your company relation in standard, estimate the potential, highlight your gaps, and opportunities to fill them.

Tap down your competitor’s strategies and out compete them online.

Have you ever thought about why your competitors are one step ahead of you in getting calls and leads? What are the odds? The answer is their constant online visibility. A website can be subjected to multiple factors. Having something as basic as a faster and expedite website can tip the balances in favor of your company.

If you are looking for strategies to outperform your competitors through your online presence, SocialHi5’s digital competitive analysis is a great kick-start. Fill up the given below form to provide us with an overview of your digital competitive landscape. We will analyze whether you can benefit from full, customized digital competitive analysis.

You will be in a clear picture when we assess your website. We will provide you either a digestible snapshot of your competitive landscape or suggest a whole, customized analysis that recognizes your digital strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges. These competitor analysis tools will help you keep tabs on your competitors’ activities and refine your digital marketing performance. You will finally get insights into how these competitors outperform you.

What should you expect in an online competitor analysis?

Digital competitor analysis is not a unidimensional package. At SocialHi5, we take a case-by-case personalized approach to all analyses, starting from our free landscape snapshot summaries to extensive customer online strategy audit packages.

We follow unique competitor analysis techniques based on the different audit goals and includes evaluating:

  • Website security (HTTPS vs.HTTP).
  • Website mobile-friendliness.
  • Website speed.
  • Website content quality.
  • Website content size.
  • Existence quality backlinks that direct to the website easily.
  • Quality and the number of reviews.
  • Visibility of websites on search engines and rankings of cap keywords.
  • PPC advertising projections.
  • The demand of the market (search extent).
  • Website user experience (UX) problems (broken links).
  • SERP attributes in your landscape (local packs, image packs, featured snippets, etc.)
  • Business profile googling, if local.
  • Issues related to website indexing.

Who Should You Analyze Your Competitors in Digital Marketing

Normally, the competitors include by direct and indirect competitor analysis – which means those providing the same solution to the same audience.

What competitor analysis tools do you use?

Every competitive analysis is not created on an equal foot. The difference is made through the secret ingredient in the digital marketing tools and techniques of each company. SocialHi5 uses a wide array of amazing competitive analysis tools, techniques, strategies, and insights, including (but not limited to):

  • Moz Keyword Explorer.
  • Moz Link Explorer.
  • Google keyword planner.
  • SEMrush.
  • SEO competitor analysis tools and audit platform that we possess.
  • Google Search Console.
  • Google My Business profiles.
  • Google Pagespeed insights.
  • And many more!

Competitor analysis is used to identify the weakness and strengths of our other market players. Need to define your company relation in standard, estimate the potential, highlight your gaps, and opportunities to fill them.

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